I remember every year for my birthday, my grandmother would ask me if I felt any different that day. I would always think, nothing feels different today than it did the day before. I’m still me.
Of course, sometimes there is a shift and things feel quite different more immediately. And sometimes, nothing has changed. We have to dive in a little further for it to do so.
Same for a new year. Sometimes things change quickly before the clock strikes midnight. Sometimes change is slow going.
The new year isn’t the only time to renew. The Universe gives us so many opportunities to create change and newness. You don’t have to focus all of your change energy at the top of the year. I think that’s how the holidays gives people so much anxiety. There is so much pressure to get things moving in January and then by October there is pressure to follow up on anything not accomplished. But what happens in between that?
What are the societal prompts to go back to the vision board you created in January? What are the prompts to task through your goals or even reevaluate them by March?
The fact is, there is always the chance to renew ourselves and revisit our goals and our desires.
Instead of hating Monday, use it as a time to revisit your needs and desires for the week and the month.
Every month, there is a New Moon cycle. Use that time to set a new goal, try something new, or make a small change in your routine or agenda.
Use the season changes to clear out things, people, and ideas that no longer serve you or work for you. Use that time to also incorporate more of what brings you peace.
Springtime isn’t the only time to clean. Use the Summer Solstice to be honest with yourself about what you want in life and make yourself a goal to go after your desires. Use the Winter Solstice to let go of anything that is holding you back. Use the Spring Equinox to wake yourself up and feel renewed in your state of mind. Use the Fall Equinox to rest your mind so you can make better decisions.
There is no need to feel any pressure because it’s January. Pace yourself. Enjoy your year ahead. You will enjoy the change and the ebbs and flows of life with more satisfaction.